Friday, April 1, 2011

Going Organic

Posted by Ami S. at 4/01/2011
A few months back, watching one of Beauty Crush 's vlogs on youtube,  that was about her fitness and diet update and healthy lifestyle, and she mentioned that it was inspired by the book Skinny Bitch. I have seen that book a few times in the bookshop in the self-help sections and thought it would be rubbish. After Samantha (beauty crush)'s reveiw of the book, I managed to download a pdf version of the book
For those who know me, they know that after reading this book, I went from a vegan for a day, vegetarian for two, and a pescetarian for a week, and then back to the old eating habits, as it was too much to handle at once! However, this book made me at least realize what I am doing to myself when I am eating unhealthily, and how I try to stay away from some kinds of foods.
In Amman it is pretty expensive to buy organic products, so the plans of this new eating lifestyle is temporarily on hold...! But these are some of the things I started purchasing, I am not stepping into the pescetarian lifestyle just yet, but a healthy one!
I am sure once I move out and live abroad it will be easier to apply this organic way of life and eating, as there is organic icecreams and soy milk for much cheaper. And truth be told, it does feel different eating without much chemicals and additives (poison basically) being inserted to your body.
Peculiar Ami


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